
Current Availability Status

Ready to find answers? Our experts can help.

CHC的护理协调员是所有有兴趣来CHC的新家庭的第一个联络点. If you decide to move forward with services, 您的护理协调员将为您匹配最好的专家, set up your first appointment, and guide you through the process.

Call, email or book a phone call with our CHC Care Team to get started.

English: 650.688.3625

Medi-Cal: 650.688.3650

Get a response within 24 hours. Hablamos espanol.


Get a response within 24 hours.

Stress & Crisis Resources
for immediate help

Making your first CHC Care Appointment

Call, email or book a phone call with our CHC Care Team. Take a deep breath. You just took the first step (and it was a big one).

Hear back

A CHC Care Coordinator will get back to you soon 为了倾听你的担忧,为你匹配合适的专家,并安排一个就诊预约. Our care journey has begun.


Complete the First Appointment forms 您的CHC护理团队通过电子邮件发送给您,供您的提供者审阅. It’s official: we can’t wait to meet you.

appointment day!

It’s time for your intake appointment! 我们的专家将更好地了解您的担忧,并为您的计划提供建议. We’ve got this, together.

Reach out. We’re here for you.



CHC Palo Alto

650 Clark Way
Palo Alto, CA 94304


CHC South Bay

2280 Kenwood Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128


CHC Ravenswood

1765 E Bayshore Road
East Palo Alto, CA 94303



Connect with your therapist wherever you are! Phone and Zoom options are available.

Returning Appointments & Rescheduling

Schedule Returning Appointments

After your initial intake appointment, future, 后续或返回预约可以直接安排与您的临床医生.

Your Care Coordinator is Your Resource

即使你现在已经与CHC专家建立了关系, your Care Coordinator is still here for you! 如果您对CHC的服务和资源有任何疑问,请不要犹豫,随时与他们十大正规棋牌网址, 更新你的财务或家庭文件,或者写个便条告诉你情况如何. We love to hear from you.


Did you know CHC offers teletherapy appointments? 远程治疗或虚拟预约可以通过电话或Zoom进行, and they work for kids, teens, young adults, adult learners, 对那些想在校期间继续照顾自己的大学生来说,辅导客户是一个很有帮助的选择. 询问你的治疗师这个选择是否适合你和你的目标.

Cancellations / Rescheduling

直接十大正规棋牌网址您的专家或十大正规棋牌网址CHC取消,重新安排或更改预约. CHC has a 24-hour cancellation window. 如果您取消超过24小时的通知,您将不会被收取费用.

Medical Records

650.688.3636 – Fax

Cost, Insurance & Financial Assistance

At CHC, your child is at the heart of everything we do.

Whether you come to CHC for individual therapy, a comprehensive evaluation or some combination, 我们的专家帮助您找到孩子挑战的根源, be they learning, mental health or both. 我们的专家将与您的家人一起制定定制的、基于优势的护理方法. 因为CHC内部提供各种各样的专业, 您孩子的提供者可以与多学科团队合作进行观察, consultation, care coordination and translation services. Meaning more expertise at no additional cost to you. Please ask about financial assistance!

Why CHC?

  • CHC has been in the Bay Area for 70 years. 我们了解并与当地精神卫生服务提供者合作, school administrators and medical professionals, easing the coordination burden for families.
  • CHC的多学科临床医生团队利用彼此的专业知识 and have access to ongoing case consultation and support, ensuring integrated, customized care in a one-stop shop.
  • 因为临床医生不断提供培训机会,以保持在最新研究的最前沿, 客户受益于循证实践和黄金标准治疗.
  • 我们每一位一流的临床医生都对帮助病人充满热情 儿童,青少年和年轻人充分发挥他们的承诺和潜力.

您的护理协调员将能够解释您感兴趣的服务费用,并乐意回答您的问题. Please call today. Hablamos español. 650.688.3825. (650.688.3650 Medi-Cal)


CHC is an Out of Network Provider

CHC被所有门诊服务保险计划视为网络外提供者. CHC每月提供一份超级账单,这样你就可以和你的保险公司一起看报销情况. 虽然我们的办公室没有与私人健康保险公司签订正式合同,我们的服务是自费的, 我们提供慷慨的财政援助计划,并鼓励家庭通过我们的两页申请 application. CHC从不希望财务状况成为您的家人获得应得的一流护理的障碍.

协助您从您的保险公司获得CHC服务的报销, we created this Out-of-Network Insurance Reimbursement Guide (PDF). 您的客户账单团队很乐意回答您的问题,并为您提供申请报销所需的文书工作. Please contact us by email at GFE Notice.

Insurance accepted for the RISE IOP

The RISE IOP 已成功地与多家保险公司订立单一个案协议. If you’re eligible for RISE, 您将与负责建立sca的CHC工作人员十大正规棋牌网址.

Santa Clara Medi-Cal

We’re here for you. When you call, 告诉护理协调员你们是一个有Medi-Cal保险的家庭,马上开始. Learn more about our services covered by Santa Clara Medi-Cal.

Financial Assistance for Clinical Services

在CHC,您的家庭获得所需的服务对我们来说非常重要. 如果你担心费用,请考虑申请经济援助. 我们感谢许多慷慨的捐助者十大正规棋牌网址,我们很自豪能把这种支持传递给你. 

无论您是在等待第一次预约,您的护理协调员都可以随时帮助您处理申请过程, or had a change in your family’s situation, or are adding/changing services – we are here for you. Download the application form.

卫生保健中心致力于为所有人提供可获得的精神卫生服务, regardless of language, location or ability to pay. CHC的经济援助申请很容易填写,我们鼓励你申请! 完成简单的两页申请表并将其交还给您的护理协调员.

To determine your eligibility for financial assistance, CHC考虑了几个因素,包括家庭年收入, number of individuals supported by your family’s income, living expenses, clinical needs, and special situations facing your family. Your information will be kept confidential. Call us and we’ll help you find compassionate, best-in-class care for your child, regardless of your ability to pay. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 650.688.3625. (650.688.3650 Medi-Cal).

Evaluation Follow Up at No Cost

Evaluations typically include interviews, parent interviews, observations, collaboration with other providers, testing, interpretation, report-writing, and follow-up. Multiple experts. Multiple disciplines. One report. Less confusion.

Once your family has completed an evaluation, 参与跟进并收到我们的综合报告, 如果您有任何问题需要进一步指导,欢迎您免费返回CHC. Your Care Coordinator can provide details. Please call
650.688.3625. (650.688.3650 Medi-Cal).

Worried about your child?

CHC is here for you. Reach out and get advice from an expert.


Crisis Resources

请参考这些24/7危机热线以获得即时帮助. You are not alone.

911 Emergency

Call or text 911

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Call or text 988

Chat on

Trevor Project Lifeline

Call (866) 488-7386

or text START to 678-678